JSS Medical College Body Donation Program


JSS voluntary body donation association was established in the year 1996 with a view to help those who have a desire to donate their body to the medical profession for teaching and research purpose.

We accept bodies irrespective of the age, sex, caste of the individuals who have registered and die of natural cause of death.

The department is active in effective and meaningful use of the donated bodies for various cadaveric workshops for post-graduate and skills training in surgical and allied disciplines, apart from UG teaching through dissection.

The information regarding body donation program is passed on to the public during public meetings, through media like newspapers, radio, TV, Suttur Jatra etc.

Objectives of Practice

  • To sensitize the public on significance of body donation in learning and research
  • To develop registry of voluntary body donors and maintain details of donated bodies
  • To utilize donated bodies for novel cause - teaching, skill training workshops and research purpose
  • To utilise the Cadavers for various specialities like surgery, ENT orthopaedics, dermatology etc. to enhance surgical skills and focused workshop to benefit postgraduate students and faculty