Message from

Vice Chancellor


With a goal of transforming its students into responsible Indian citizens, JSS AHER is also dedicated to educating and equipping its students with the most recent knowledge and skills in the context of Indian culture and values. This will help them meet the challenges of the economy. The curriculum is set up to make students aware of various public health challenges. Pupils have been prepared to take on difficult, complex difficulties in the cutthroat workplace of today.

The students bring with them passion and idealism into every aspect of their life. These students have gained insight into an array of organizations through field visits, internships, and research. In addition to excellence in academics, the students have displayed merit in co-curricular activities such as debating, sports, music, and painting which has ensured holistic education. The students have encountered various dignitaries through the discussion and interactions that have been organized by the university and through various visits which enabled them to develop an excellent understanding of the public health structure and framework in the country.

Dr H. Basavanagowdappa
Vice Chancellor
JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research