Inbound Mobility Program

JSS AHER, Mysuru welcomes international students from partner universities worldwide to experience its exciting and unique Inbound Mobility Program. The programme combines study abroad experience and exposure in a multi-cultural setting in India. Participants also can enjoy sightseeing places of attractions and appreciate the richness of biodiversity and eco-system in India.

You can undergo internship, observership, short term training, Rotations in the specialized fields in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Health System Management, Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Public Health, Yoga and others.

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Visiting Students Learning Opportunity


Student Exchange Programs expose medical students to experience different health care systems and understanding of various modalities in patient care and research, while also improving one’s clinical skills and helping in developing network in areas of interest.

Student Exchange Program at JSS Medical College

JSS Medical College's Student exchange program offers Students from Foreign Medical Schools an opportunity to pursue observership /clinical rotations at JSS Medical College/ JSS Hospital as well as field Practice areas (both urban and rural). We have had students from various foreign medical schools including University of Florida, US; Netter School of Medicine, Quinnipiac University, USA; Indiana University, USA; University of Wisconsin, USA; Swansea University Medical School, USA; Imperial College, London, UK; Oman Medical College and also students from various Medical Schools across India visit JSS Institutions for observership/clinical rotation

Whom to Approach

requests for electives from international medical students, must be forwarded to International Student Cell, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research (Contact: Once the request is raised, confirmation of acceptance will be accorded after approval from higher officials. Students from our institution also are assisted to visit foreign medical schools after obtaining approval from the head of the institution during their internship.

Visiting Students Learning Opportunity

JSS Medical College is also a part of American Association of Medical College’s (AAMC’s) Visiting students learning opportunity (VSLO) program under the Global network category, both as Home and Host institution, where our institution provides electives in more than 15 departments. For further details please visit the following link:


Travel requests can be accommodated on need basis.

Accommodation and Food:

Hostel facilities are available at JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research campus. However, this would add additional costs, based on the number of days of stay.

Documents required before approval

  • Copy of Student Visa: Student Visa in case of Foreign Nationals: In case the student is a foreign national, it is mandatory to have a Student Visa for the period of inbound mobility program at JSS AHER. On arrival for the inbound mobility program, the student will be assisted for the registration with Foreigners Regional Registration Office.
  • Fee payment receipt

After arrival at JSS AHER, the student would be provided with ID to utilise various facilities. You will also be able to interact with students of JSS Constituent colleges which would help in cultural exchange.

For any queries and further details, contact us on