In recognition of the critical role research plays in advancing knowledge and addressing societal challenges, researchers across various disciplines adhere to a set of principles aimed at upholding the integrity, transparency, and responsibility of their work. JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research (JSS AHER) stands by the principles enshrined in this code and encourages and supports all its faculty members, employees and students to research as prescribed. Guided by a commitment to ethical conduct and the preservation of public trust, the following principles are affirmed to guide the conduct of researchers:

  • Integrity: Researchers recognize the importance of maintaining the integrity of their work and acknowledge their responsibility in ensuring its trustworthiness.
  • Adherence to Regulations: Researchers are committed to adhering to all relevant regulations and policies governing research, thereby upholding ethical standards and legal requirements.
  • Research Methods: Researchers employ rigorous and appropriate research methods, critically analyse evidence, and report findings objectively.
  • Research Records: Researchers maintain accurate records of their research activities, facilitating verification and replication by others.
  • Research Findings: Researchers share data and findings openly and promptly, acknowledging priority and ownership claims where applicable.
  • Authorship: Researchers take responsibility for their contributions to publications and other research representations, adhering to established authorship criteria.
  • Publication Acknowledgement: Researchers acknowledge the contributions of individuals and organizations that have significantly supported their research in publications.
  • Peer Review: Researchers conduct fair and rigorous peer reviews, respecting confidentiality and contributing to the integrity of scholarly discourse.
  • Conflict of Interest: Researchers disclose financial and other conflicts of interest that may impact the integrity of their work.
  • Public Communication: Researchers engage in public communication within their recognized expertise, clearly distinguishing between professional commentary and personal opinions.
  • Responding to Irresponsible Research Practices: Researchers support procedures for responding to allegations of misconduct, ensuring accountability and corrective actions.
  • Research Environments: Researchers advocate for research environments that promote integrity through education, clear policies, and supportive work cultures.
  • Societal Considerations: Researchers and research institutions acknowledge their ethical obligation to weigh societal benefits against risks inherent in their work.