Rules & Regulations

The JSS clinical Skill and Simulation Center will attempt to include all environmental factors to make the students’ learning experience realistic and authentic. For enhanced learning, all students are expected to come to the lab prepared. The faculty will provide students with positive feedback and debriefing of their performance, while students will self-analyse their performance and use critical thinking during the reflection process.

The following guidelines are to maintain safety while using the JSS Clinical SSC. It is expected that all involved in classrooms, clinical skills and simulation activities will adhere to these guidelines.

Student Simulation Experience Expectations

  • Students must act in a professional manner while in Skills and Simulation Center.
  • Students should be dressed appropriately as per the dress code of JSSMC&H. Students should remain professional and treat the simulation as a real patient experience.
  • Any visits to the simulation Center should be scheduled and approved previously.
  • Students should remain confined to designated classroom and should not wander in Center corridor.
  • Students will undergo training only under supervision of the faculty.
  • Faculty have the right to record simulations for playback during debriefing or one-on-one student discussion when used for assessment/evaluation of individual students.
  • Faculty can obtain waivers from participating students for playback outside of the class (i.e. facilitator development, college presentations, conferences, etc.).
  • Students are to remain confidential and professional regarding the performance of other students during and after simulation experiences.
  • The manikins do not have Latex on the outside of them, but students should notify their instructors if they have a latex allergy.
  • Students have to come prepared for simulation including having the necessary clinical materials.
  • Pens and markers are not allowed inside the Center. Only pencils are allowed.
  • Mobile phones and personal electronic gadgets are not allowed inside the Center.
  • Food and beverages are not allowed in the simulation Center.
  • Any mishandling and damage to the manikins is punishable and to be avoided strictly.
  • Use of biohazard materials like blood, urine, human tissue are not used in simulation Center for teaching.
  • Faculty and staff have the right to remove students from simulation experiences if conduct is violated