Do’s & Don`ts

  • ID cards to be presented at the time of every entry to the library
  • No personal belongings are allowed inside. They should be left at the property counter.
  • When you are in the library please respect other user’s needs
  • Silence should be maintained & cell phones should be switched off in the library
  • Consumption of food is not permitted in the reference section. Refreshments are allowed only in the private study area.
  • Courteous and polite behaviour is expected from all, at all times in all circumstances
  • Do not mutilate any material housed in the library. If not, they are liable for punishment as decided by the Principal/Librarian
  • Every student member should clear all the dues and obtain a ‘No Dues Certificate’ at the end of every academic year.
  • Librarian can recall back any issued book at any time
  • Take care of the books
  • Return books on time

Your Contribution to the Library

Please Do

  • Visit the library regularly (preferably every day).
  • Cultivate the habit of reading by reading something each day.
  • Follow the rules of the library. Rules are there to assist everyone.
  • Use the information retrieval tools and save your time.
  • Consult the Librarian for any information, you may never know, we may even know the answer.
  • Give your suggestions if any for the development of the library to the Librarian or drop in the suggestion in the suggestion/complaint box in the library.

Please Do Not

  • Forget that the library is for the utility of all.
  • Tear/damage any book/property of the library.
  • Misplace a book.
  • Delay in returning a borrowed book.
  • Go straight to the shelves of your subject but browse through the library.
  • Steal a book. We do have sufficient copies for all of you. And even if not, contact the Librarian who will ensure that you get your book for reference. Your cooperation and compliance is appreciated
Help!!: Please do not hesitate to ask the library staff for help if you do not find what you need. It’s what we are here for.