Calendar of events 2019-20

Month Activity
July 2023 Enrolment of NSS volunteers for the year 2023-24
Preparation of calendar of events for NSS activities.
Submission of nomination for award of NSS officers/Volunteers.
Constitution of University/College NSS advisory committees.
Banamahosthava week (1st to 7th July)
World population day (11th July)
University Advisory committee meeting.
August 20223 College's advisory committee meeting.
Orientation program for new NSS volunteers.
Independence day Celebration.
Plantation program
Campaign against nuclear weapon (6th Aug)
NSS Swatchhta Pakhwada Program (1-15th August)
Selection of Best NSS Volunteers for the year 2023-24.
Selection of NSS volunteers for RD parade.
September 2023 Teachers day (5th Sep)
NSS Foundation day (24th Sep)
NSS Youth festival
Beginning of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 127th Birthday celebration.
Blood donation camp.
Free health checkup camp.
UGC Swatchhta Pakhwada Program (1-15th Sep 2023)
October 2023 Celebration of Gandhi Jayanth i
Submission of quarterly year report (on or before 31stOct 20223)
World food day (16th Oct)
UNO day (24th Oct)
Traffic week (24th to 30th Oct)
Saving day (31stOct)
November 2023 Celebration of Kannada Rajyosth ava.
Free medical/dental checkup camp.
Deputing NSS volunteers for National Integration Camp.
Children's day (14th Nov).
Moth er's day (19th Nov)
Quami Ekta week (19th to 25th Nov)
Environment awareness month (9th to 18th Nov)
Weaker's section day (22ndNov)
World AIDS day (22ndNov)
December 2023 Preparation for Special Camp activities.
Identifying th e village and visit to th e village.
Plantation program.
Swatchh Bharath Abhiyana
International Volunteers day (5th Dec)
Human rights day (10th Dec)
Submision of half yearly report (on or before 31stDec 2023)
January 2024 National Youth day (12th Jan)
National Youth Week (12th to 19th Jan)
NSS Day (15th Jan)
Conduct of NSS Special camp (on or before 31stJanuary 2024)
Celebration of republic day
February 2024 Preparation of NSS Special camp report.
Woman's day (2ndto 19th Feb)
March 2024 Submission of annual accounts/report (Before 15th March 2024)
World forest day (21stMar)
April, May and June 2024 World Health day (7th Apr)
Fire Prevention day (14th Apr)
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Jayanth i (14th Apr)
World Labor day (1stMay)
Nutrition week (1st to 7th May)
World Environment day (5th June)
Preparation for next year NSS activities.

Calendar of events 2022-23

Month Activity
July 2022 Enrolment of NSS volunteers for the year 2022-23
Preparation of calendar of events for NSS activities.
Submission of nomination for award of NSS officers/Volunteers.
Constitution of University/College NSS advisory committees.
Banamahosthava week (1st to 7th July)
World population day (11th July)
University Advisory committee meeting.
August 2022 College's advisory committee meeting.
Orientation program for new NSS volunteers.
Independence day Celebration.
Plantation program
Campaign against nuclear weapon (6th Aug)
NSS Swatchhta Pakhwada Program (1-15th August)
Selection of Best NSS Volunteers for the year 2022-23.
Selection of NSS volunteers for RD parade.
September 2022 Teachers day (5th Sep)
NSS Foundation day (24th Sep)
NSS Youth festival
Beginning of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 127th Birthday celebration.
Blood donation camp.
Free health checkup camp.
UGC Swatchhta Pakhwada Program (1-15th Sep 2022)
October 2022 Celebration of Gandhi Jayanth i
Submission of quarterly year report (on or before 31stOct 2022)
World food day (16th Oct)
UNO day (24th Oct)
Traffic week (24th to 30th Oct)
Saving day (31stOct)
November 2022 Celebration of Kannada Rajyosth ava.
Free medical/dental checkup camp.
Deputing NSS volunteers for National Integration Camp.
Children's day (14th Nov).
Moth er's day (19th Nov)
Quami Ekta week (19th to 25th Nov)
Environment awareness month (9th to 18th Nov)
Weaker's section day (22ndNov)
World AIDS day (22ndNov)
December 2022 Preparation for Special Camp activities.
Identifying th e village and visit to th e village.
Plantation program.
Swatchh Bharath Abhiyana
International Volunteers day (5th Dec)
Human rights day (10th Dec)
Submision of half yearly report (on or before 31stDec 2022)
January 2023 National Youth day (12th Jan)
National Youth Week (12th to 19th Jan)
NSS Day (15th Jan)
Conduct of NSS Special camp (on or before 31stJanuary 2023)
Celebration of republic day
February 2023 Preparation of NSS Special camp report.
Woman's day (2ndto 19th Feb)
March 2023 Submission of annual accounts/report (Before 15th March 2023)
World forest day (21stMar)
April, May and June 2023 World Health day (7th Apr)
Fire Prevention day (14th Apr)
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Jayanth i (14th Apr)
World Labor day (1stMay)
Nutrition week (1st to 7th May)
World Environment day (5th June)
Preparation for next year NSS activities.

Calendar of events 2021-22

Month Activity
July 2021 Enrolment of NSS volunteers for the year 2021-22
Preparation of calendar of events for NSS activities.
Submission of nomination for award of NSS officers/Volunteers.
Constitution of University/College NSS advisory committees.
Banamahosthava week (1st to 7th July)
World population day (11th July)
University Advisory committee meeting.
August 2021 College's advisory committee meeting.
Orientation program for new NSS volunteers.
Independence day Celebration.
Plantation program
Campaign against nuclear weapon (6th Aug)
NSS Swatchhta Pakhwada Program (1-15th August)
Selection of Best NSS Volunteers for the year 2021-22.
Selection of NSS volunteers for RD parade.
September 2021 Teachers day (5th Sep)
NSS Foundation day (24th Sep)
NSS Youth festival
Beginning of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 127th Birthday celebration.
Blood donation camp.
Free health checkup camp.
UGC Swatchhta Pakhwada Program (1-15th Sep 2021)
October 2021 Celebration of Gandhi Jayanth i
Submission of quarterly year report (on or before 31stOct 2021)
World food day (16th Oct)
UNO day (24th Oct)
Traffic week (24th to 30th Oct)
Saving day (31stOct)
November 2021 Celebration of Kannada Rajyosth ava.
Free medical/dental checkup camp.
Deputing NSS volunteers for National Integration Camp.
Children's day (14th Nov).
Moth er's day (19th Nov)
Quami Ekta week (19th to 25th Nov)
Environment awareness month (9th to 18th Nov)
Weaker's section day (22ndNov)
World AIDS day (22ndNov)
December 2021 Preparation for Special Camp activities.
Identifying th e village and visit to th e village.
Plantation program.
Swatchh Bharath Abhiyana
International Volunteers day (5th Dec)
Human rights day (10th Dec)
Submision of half yearly report (on or before 31stDec 2021)
January 2022 National Youth day (12th Jan)
National Youth Week (12th to 19th Jan)
NSS Day (15th Jan)
Conduct of NSS Special camp (on or before 31stJanuary 2022)
Celebration of republic day
February 2022 Preparation of NSS Special camp report.
Woman's day (2ndto 19th Feb)
March 2022 Submission of annual accounts/report (Before 15th March 2022)
World forest day (21stMar)
April, May and June 2022 World Health day (7th Apr)
Fire Prevention day (14th Apr)
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Jayanth i (14th Apr)
World Labor day (1stMay)
Nutrition week (1st to 7th May)
World Environment day (5th June)
Preparation for next year NSS activities.

Calendar of events 2020-21

Month Activity
July 2020 Enrolment of NSS volunteers for the year 2020-21
Preparation of calendar of events for NSS activities.
Submission of nomination for award of NSS officers/Volunteers.
Constitution of University/College NSS advisory committees.
Banamahosthava week (1st to 7th July)
World population day (11th July)
University Advisory committee meeting.
August 2020 College's advisory committee meeting.
Orientation program for new NSS volunteers.
Independence day Celebration.
Plantation program
Campaign against nuclear weapon (6th Aug)
NSS Swatchhta Pakhwada Program (1-15th August)
Selection of Best NSS Volunteers for the year 2020-21.
Selection of NSS volunteers for RD parade.
September 2020 Teachers day (5th Sep)
NSS Foundation day (24th Sep)
NSS Youth festival
Beginning of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 127th Birthday celebration.
Blood donation camp.
Free health checkup camp.
UGC Swatchhta Pakhwada Program (1-15th Sep 2020)
October 2020 Celebration of Gandhi Jayanth i
Submission of quarterly year report (on or before 31stOct 2020)
World food day (16th Oct)
UNO day (24th Oct)
Traffic week (24th to 30th Oct)
Saving day (31stOct)
November 2020 Celebration of Kannada Rajyosth ava.
Free medical/dental checkup camp.
Deputing NSS volunteers for National Integration Camp.
Children's day (14th Nov).
Moth er's day (19th Nov)
Quami Ekta week (19th to 25th Nov)
Environment awareness month (9th to 18th Nov)
Weaker's section day (22ndNov)
World AIDS day (22ndNov)
December 2020 Preparation for Special Camp activities.
Identifying th e village and visit to th e village.
Plantation program.
Swatchh Bharath Abhiyana
International Volunteers day (5th Dec)
Human rights day (10th Dec)
Submision of half yearly report (on or before 31stDec 2020)
January 2021 National Youth day (12th Jan)
National Youth Week (12th to 19th Jan)
NSS Day (15th Jan)
Conduct of NSS Special camp (on or before 31st January 2021)
Celebration of republic day
February 2021 Preparation of NSS Special camp report.
Woman's day (2ndto 19th Feb)
March 2021 Submission of annual accounts/report (Before 15th March 2021)
World forest day (21stMar)
April, May and June 2021 World Health day (7th Apr)
Fire Prevention day (14th Apr)
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Jayanth i (14th Apr)
World Labor day (1stMay)
Nutrition week (1st to 7th May)
World Environment day (5th June)
Preparation for next year NSS activities.

Calendar of events 2019-20

Month Activity
July 2019 Enrolment of NSS volunteers for th e year 2019-20
Preparation of calendar of events for NSS activities.
Submission of nomination for award of NSS officers/Volunteers.
Constitution of University/College NSS advisory committees.
Banamahosth ava week (1stto 7th July)
World population day (11th July)
University Advisory committee meeting.
August 2019 College's advisory committee meeting.
Orientation program for new NSS volunteers.
Independence day Celebration.
Plantation program
Campaign against nuclear weapon (6th Aug)
NSS Swatchhta Pakhwada Program (1-15th August)
Selection of Best NSS Volunteers for th e year 2018-19.
September 2019 Teachers day (5th Sep)
NSS Foundation day (24th Sep)
NSS Youth festival
Selection of NSS volunteers for RD parade.
Beginning of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 127th Birth day celebration.
Blood donation camp.
Free health checkup camp.
UGC Swatchhta Pakhwada Program (1-15th Sep 2019)
October 2019 Celebration of Gandhi Jayanth i
Submission of quarterly year report (on or before 31stOct 2019)
World food day (16th Oct)
UNO day (24th Oct)
Traffic week (24th to 30th Oct)
Saving day (31stOct)
November 2019 Celebration of Kannada Rajyosth ava.
Free medical/dental checkup camp.
Deputing NSS volunteers for National Integration Camp.
Children's day (14th Nov).
Moth er's day (19th Nov)
Quami Ekta week (19th to 25th Nov)
Environment awareness month (9th to 18th Nov)
Weaker's section day (22ndNov)
World AIDS day (22ndNov)
December 2019 Preparation for Special Camp activities.
Identifying th e village and visit to th e village.
Plantation program.
Swatchh Bharath Abhiyana
International Volunteers day (5th Dec)
Human rights day (10th Dec)
Submision of half yearly report (on or before 31stDec 2019)
January 2020 National Youth day (12th Jan)
National Youth Week (12th to 19th Jan)
NSS Day (15th Jan)
Conduct of NSS Special camp (on or before 31stJanuary 2020)
Celebration of republic day
February 2020 Organizing National Integration Camp for th e th ird time from th e University at JSS College of Pharmacy, premises.
Preparation of NSS Special camp report.
Woman's day (2ndto 19th Feb)
March 2020 Submission of annual accounts/report (Before 15th March 2019)
World forest day (21stMar)
April, May and June 2020 World Health day (7th Apr)
Fire Prevention day (14th Apr)
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Jayanth i (14th Apr)
World Labor day (1stMay)
Nutrition week (1st to 7th May)
World Environment day (5th June)
Preparation for next year NSS activities.

Calendar of events 2018-19

Month Activity
July 2018 Enrolment of NSS volunteers for th e year 2018-19
Preparation of calendar of events for NSS activities.
Submission of nomination for award of NSS officers.
Constitution of University/College NSS advisory committees.
Banamahosth ava week (1st to 7th July)
World population day (11th July)
August 2018 University Advisory committee meeting.
College's advisory committee meeting.
Orientation program for new NSS volunteers.
Devaraj Urs centenary Celebration.
Independence day Celebration.
Plantation program
Campaign against nuclear weapon (6th Aug)
NSS Swatchhta Pakhwada Program (1-15th August)
Selection of Best NSS Volunteers for th e year 2017-18.
September 2018 Teachers day (5th Sep)
NSS Foundation day (24th Sep)
NSS Youth festival
Selection of NSS volunteers for RD parade.
Beginning of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 126th Birth day celebration.
Blood donation camp.
Free health checkup camp.
UGC Swatchhta Pakhwada Program (1-15th Sep 2018)
October 2018 Celebration of Gandhi Jayanth i
Submission of quarterly year report (on or before 31stOct 2018)
World food day (16th Oct)
UNO day (24th Oct)
Traffic week (24th to 30th Oct)
Saving day (31stOct)
November 2018 Celebration of Kannada Rajyosth ava.
Free medical/dental checkup camp.
Deputing NSS volunteers for National Integration Camp.
Children's day (14th Nov).
Moth er's day (19th Nov)
Quami Ekta week (19th to 25th Nov)
Environment awareness month (9th to 18th Nov)
Weaker's section day (22ndNov)
World AIDS day (22ndNov)
December 2018 Preparation for Special Camp activities.
Identifying th e village and visit to th e village.
Plantation program.
Swatchh Bharath Abhiyana
International Volunteers day (5th Dec)
Human rights day (10th Dec)
Submision of half yearly report (on or before 31stDec 2018)
January 2019 National Youth day (12th Jan)
National Youth Week (12th to 19th Jan)
NSS Day (15th Jan)
Conduct of NSS Special camp (on or before 31stJanuary 2019)
Celebration of republic day
February 2019 Preparation of NSS Special camp report.
Woman's day (2ndto 19th Feb)
March 2019 Submission of annual accounts/report (Before 15th March 2018)
World forest day (21stMar)
April, May and June 2019 World Health day (7th Apr)
Fire Prevention day (14th Apr)
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Jayanth i (14th Apr)
World Labor day (1stMay)
Nutrition week (1stto 7th May)
World Environment day (5th June)
Preparation for next year NSS activities.

Calendar of events 2017-18

Month Activity
Jul-18 Enrolment of NSS volunteers
Preparation of calendar of events for NSS activities
Submission of nomination for award of NSS officers.
Constitution of University/College NSS advisory committees.
Banamahosthava week (1st to 7 th July)
World population day (11th July)
Aug-18 University Advisory committee meeting.
College's advisory committee meeting.
Orientation program for new NSS volunteers.
Devaraj Urs centenary Celebration.
Independence day Celebration.
Plantation program
Campaign against nuclear weapon (6th Aug)
NSS Swatchhta Pakhwada Program (1-15th August 2017)
Sep-17 Teachers day (5th Sep)
NSS Foundation day (24th Sep)
NSS Youth festival
Selection of NSS volunteers for RD parade.
Beginning of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 125th Birthday celebration.
Blood donation camp.
Free health checkup camp.
UGC Swatchhta Pakhwada Program (1-15th Sep 2017)
Oct-17 Celebration of Gandhi Jayanthi.
Submission of Half yearly report (on or before 31st Oct 2016)
World food day (16th Oct)
UNO day (24th Oct)
Traffic week (24th to 30 th Oct)
Saving day (31st Oct)
Nov-17 Celebration of Kannada Rajyosthava.
Free medical/dental checkup camp.
Deputing NSS volunteers for National Integration Camp.
Children's day (14th Nov).
Mother's day (19th Nov)
Quami Ekta week (19th to 25 th Nov)
Environment awareness month (9th to 18 th Nov)
Weaker's section day (22nd Nov)
World AIDS day (22nd Nov)
Dec-17 Preparation for Special Camp activities.
Identifying the village and visit to the village.
Plantation program.
Swatchh Bharath Abhiyana
International Volunteers day (5th Dec)
Human rights day (10th Dec)
Jan-18 National Youth day (12th Jan)
National Youth Week (12th to 19 th Jan)
NSS Day (15th Jan)
Conduct of NSS Special camp (on or before 31st January 2018)
Celebration of republic day
Feb-18 Preparation of NSS Special camp report.
Woman's day (2nd to 19 th Feb)
Mar-18 Submis sion of annual accounts/report (Before 15th March 2016)
World forest day (21st Mar)

Calendar of events 2016-17

Month Activity
Jul-16 Enrolment of NSS volunteers
Preparation of calendar of events for NSS activities
Submission of nomination for award of NSS officers.
Constitution of University/College NSS advisory committees.
Banamahosthava week (1st to 7th July)
World population day (11th July)
Aug-16 University Advisory committee meeting.
College's advisory committee meeting.
Orientation program for new NSS volunteers.
Devaraj Urs centenary Celebration.
Independence day Celebration.
Plantation program
Campaign against nuclear weapon (6th Aug)
Sep-16 Teachers day (5th Sep)
NSS Foundation day (24th Sep)
NSS Youth festival
Selection of NSS volunteers for RD parade.
Beginning of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 125th Birthday celebration.
Blood donation camp.
Free health checkup camp.
Oct-16 Celebration of Gandhi Jayanthi.
Celebration of National Integration camp (Tentatively from 1st to 7th Oct 2016).
Submission of Half yearly report (on or before 31st Oct 2016)
World food day (16th Oct)
UNO day (24th Oct)
Traffic week (24th to 30th Oct)
Saving day (31st Oct)
National Integration day (31st Oct)
Nov-16 Celebration of Kannada Rajyosthava.
Free medical/dental checkup camp.
Deputing NSS volunteers for National Integration Camp.
Children's day (14th Nov).
Mother's day (19th Nov)
Quami Ekta week (19th to 25th Nov)
Environment awareness month (9th to 18th Nov)
Weaker's section day (22nd Nov)
World AIDS day (22nd Nov)
Dec-16 Preparation for Special Camp activities.
Identifying the village and visit to the village.
Plantation program.
Swatchh Bharath Abhiyana
International Volunteers day (5th Dec)
Human rights day (10th Dec)
Jan-16 National Youth day (12th Jan)
National Youth Week (12th to 19th Jan)
NSS Day (15th Jan)
Conduct of NSS Special camp
Celebration of republic day
Feb-16 Preparation of NSS Special camp report.
Woman's day (2nd to 19th Feb)
Mar-16 Submission of annual accounts/report (Before 15th March 2016)
World forest day (21st Mar)