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About the workshop

With mounting evidences that plastic waste is rising and the accumulation of plastics in our natural environment is getting worse, the plastic pollution dilemma has recently taken centre stage in discussions of global policy. As a result, currently more attempts are being made to identify the international frameworks and initiatives that could aid in not just containing this crisis but also in repairing some of the damages.

Decades of use and a rise in single-use, disposable plastics are a catastrophe for the ecosystem on a grand scale. As a result of increased use, plastic manufacturing has exploded, reaching over 380 million tonnes annually and is expected to double within the next 20 years. Annually, oceans receive up to 12 million tonnes of plastic, and gyres, and so-called "islands of plastic" are growing. While the majority of plastics are predicted to endure for decades or even centuries after use, those that disintegrate become micro plastics, which are quickly ingested by fish and other marine life and enter the world's food supply. In fact, micro plastics have been discovered all around the world, even in tap water, human feces and the Swiss mountains. It is now abundantly clear that the problem of single-use plastics has caused a worldwide crisis, the scale of which is becoming clear now. In light of this, the President of the UN General Assembly has classified that the problem of plastic pollution as a top priority during the 73 rd Session.

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Workshop Objectives

The major objective of this workshop is to identify important plastic waste release mechanisms that significantly contaminate the soil, atmosphere and freshwater ecosystems. This workshop will also cover a number of issues including origins, dynamics, dangers and viable remedies for reducing release of plastic wastes into the terrestrial ecosystem.

It is proposed to bring together experts, policy makers, and city level authorities from municipalities, State Pollution Control Board/Pollution Control Committee, Department of Environment, Department of Urban Development, research and academic organizations from the NAM and other developing countries to combat plastic pollution in terrestrial environment. With keynote plenaries and technical sessions, the Workshop will allow sharing of information and ideas from widely differing cultural and environmental settings and share the best practices across nations to develop recommendations for appropriate policy actions.

Targeted Participants

Researchers, scientists, technocrats, innovators, government officials and policy makers, legal experts and representatives from industry and non-government organizations, city level authorities from municipalities, State Pollution Control Board/Pollution Control Committee, Department of Environment, Department of Urban Development, research and academic organizations from the NAM and other developing countries - who are engaged in the field of environment, health, water management, social issues, technology and any related experts, are invited to participate in this Workshop. The combination of participants from various developing countries will allow the exchange of knowledge, ideas and experiences as well as opportunities for global networking and collaboration.

English will be the official language of the programme.

Resource Persons

The resource persons for the Workshop will comprise eminent experts and professionals in the relevant fields from India and abroad.

Topics to be Covered

Non-point source pollution

Point source pollution

Single-use plastics

Macro-, micro- and nano plastics

Experiences in plastic Waste Management

Regulatory measures

Public Private Partnership in Plastic Waste management

Addressing SDGs on Plastic Waste Management

Policies and regulations: Design and implementation challenges

Policy recommendations and Action Plan for the Governments

Capacity building

Working with industry and NGOs to influence policy makers

Sustainable behavior change

Global awareness and advocacy and leadership.

Plastic waste and pollution management strategies

Technological approaches

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Faculty of Life Sciences
Sri Shivarathreeshwara Nagara,
Mysuru - 570 015, Karnataka

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