JSS Academy of Higher Education & Reserach 2022 | Abstract Presentation
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Submission of Abstracts

You are invited to submit abstracts of original work on following themes for workshop and all abstracts must be submitted electronically. Click here to submit abstract

Guidelines for abstract submission

  • Abstracts must adequately describe the research performed so that the quality, originality, and completeness of the work can be evaluated. Only structured abstracts with the following headings can be submitted. Failure to follow the proper format will disqualify the abstract for grading and consideration.
    Objective: An introductory sentence indicating the objective and purpose of the study.
    Materials and Methods: A description of experimental procedures including applicable statistical evaluation.
    Results & Discussion: A summary of the new, previously unpublished data and results.
    Conclusions: A statement of the study’s conclusions
  • Abstract should not exceed 500 words including title, author details, keywords and all participants are requested to follow standard Abstract Template.
  • Complete details of authors including their email address should be given and presenting author should be underlined.
  • Presentation Preference: Scientific committee will be deciding the presentation type based on the abstract quality and scope. Select “Poster Only” during submission, if you wish your abstract to be considered for poster presentation only. Abstract will be considered for oral presentation unless the author designates “Poster Only” during submission.
  • Presentation guideline/Template will be shared after registration confirmation

Workshop Themes

  • Non-point source pollution
  • Point source pollution
  • Single-use plastics
  • Macro-, micro- and nano plastics
  • Experiences in plastic Waste Management
  • Regulatory measures
  • Public Private Partnership in Plastic Waste management
  • Addressing SDGs on Plastic Waste Management
  • Policies and regulations: Design and implementation challenges
  • Policy recommendations and Action Plan for the Governments
  • Capacity building
  • Working with industry and NGOs to influence policy makers
  • Sustainable behavior change
  • Global awareness and advocacy and leadership.
  • Plastic waste and pollution management strategies
  • Technological approaches

Publication on the Subject

A publication edited by one or more international experts and based on the papers presented by the participants during the Workshop and also containing papers contributed by other eminent experts in the field will be brought out in the form of a book as a follow-up of this programme. Therefore, all participants are requested to submit the manuscripts of their full papers in MS- word format well in advance, but latest by March 02, 2023.