

The Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics has started a Value Added Certificate Course on “Surgical Endodontics” in association with the Implant Clinic at JSS Dental College & Hospital. The Course aims at teaching Postgraduate Students of the Department, various suturing techniques, Management of Surgical Endodontics Cases – Case Selection, Materials involved in Root End Preparation & Filling, Management of Emergencies during Treatment, Flap Reflection, Root End Resection. 15 PG Students from the Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics had enrolled for the Value Added Course.

Day 1 : Inaugural Session – Dr. Chandrashekar B R, Associate Dean, JSS AHER presided over the Inaugural Function as the Chief Guest. He emphasized on the need for such value added courses which would boost the clinical skills of the Postgraduate Students & help them tackle all types of cases with ease & perfection.
Dr. Annapoorna B M, Professor & Head of the Department delivered the welcome address.
Dr. Sunil Tejaswi K L, Organizing Secretary, handed over the Flower Bouquet as a token of Appreciation to the Chief Guest. The Event Concluded with Vote of Thanks by Dr. Suneeth Shetty, Assistant Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics & National Anthem.

Guest Lectures were organized after the conclusion of the inaugural ceremony. The Resource Faculty were Dr. Sunil Tejaswi K L, Reader, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Dr. Ambikathanaya U K, Assistant Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Dr. Sahith Kumar Shetty, Associate Professor, Dept. of OMFS & Incharge, Implant Clinic, JSSDC&H, Dr. Annapoorna B M, Professor & Head, Dept. of Cons & Endo, JSSDC&H, Dr. Shyam Sundar S, Reader, Dept. of OMFS, Dr. Chandan S N, Reader, Dept. of OMFS, JSSDC&H. There was Q&A Session which was answered by the Panel of Guest Speakers effectively. A Hands-on Activity on “Suturing Techniques” was organized on Day 1 which was moderated by Dr. Sahith, Dr. Shyam & Dr. Chandan. The Students could practice on Suturing Kit which was provided during the training session.

Day 2 : On the Second Day of the Course, The Students were assigned Goatheads on which they could practice Flap Elevation & Various Suturing Techniques under the Experts’ Guidance which was followed by a Hands-On Activity on Acrylic Models prepared with the help of Dr. Rajeev Abraham, Forensic Odontology Department. Students practiced Root End Resection, Preparation & Root End Filling on these models under the Experts’ Guidance. The Workshop was well received by the Postgraduates.

Day 3 : On the Last Day of the Value Added Course, A Live Demonstration was given by Dr. Sahith Kumar Shetty & Dr. Sunil Tejaswi K L & the Students could work on Live Patients under their guidance. The Event concluded with a Valedictory Ceremony. Overall, the Course was well appreciated by the Participants. A Written Exam & Clinical Test would be conducted to the Participants as part of the Course Evaluation Procedure.