Basic Sciences Refresher Program for Postgraduate Students – 22-03-2025 The Basic Sciences Refresher Program for Postgraduate Students was held on March 22, 2025, by the department of Emergency Medicine in collaboration with the Department of Anatomy at JSS Medical College in Mysuru. Dr.Vidya C.S., Professor and Head and Dr.Shivaprakash, Asso.Professor, Department of Anatomy provided us with their guidance in the dissection of the cadaver and conducting the workshop. Dr Bhavadharani and Dr Manas Babu, postgraduates and the dissection hall technicians helped us during the preparation and conduct of the workshop. The lecture commenced with a brief introduction of this event by Dr.Madhu Srinivasarangan, Professor and Head, Department of Emergency Medicine, JSS Medical College. This workshop was designed for the first year post graduates of Emergency Medicine and Anaesthesia. It was aimed at improving their understanding of the anatomy and skills required for the basic procedure performed by these students. The relevance of basic anatomy for each procedure, the relationship of the structures and the procedural skill was demonstrated on dissected specimens by Dr.Madhu Srinivasarangan. This program focused on the following areas: 1. Neck Anatomy and Airway Access: Understanding the anatomical relations of structures in the neck and practicing emergency airway access like Cricothyroidotomy 2. Heart Anatomy and Pericardiocentesis: Understanding the location of the heart in the thorax and its relations and performing pericardiocentesis 3. Chest Wall & Pleural Cavities: Learning the anatomy of the chest wall and pleural spaces with practice of the intercostal drainage tube placement procedure Students had the opportunity to practice these skills on soft-embalmed cadavers under the supervision of Dr Adarsh S B and Dr Arpitha L, Assistant Professors, Department of Emergency Medicine. The workshop concluded with Dr Madhu Srinivasarangan thanking the teaching and non-teaching staff of Anatomy department for logistic support and coordination. The students then provided their valuable feedback and identified three unique aspects of this program: 1. The whole process was less chaotic and the atmosphere for practising the skill in the Anatomy lab was calm and controlled, which was in contrast to learning the procedure at bed side of an emergency patient 2. The explanation of anatomy and step-wise demonstration of the procedure on dissected cadavers gave them a visual understanding of the procedure which was much appreciated 3. The duration of the program was more than adequate for each one of them to observe and get hands-on experience in performing the procedures which increased their confidence