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JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysore

Visit of Mr.Raj Joshi, CyVidia, from USA to IKP Bengaluru and JSS College of Pharmacy,


Mr.Raj Joshi, Founder & CEO of CyVidia , Chicago, USA has visited India to have collaboration with IGRF, JSS AHER and Centre of Excellence in Regulatory Science (CEReS) JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru on 7th and 8th July 2023. On 7th afternoon, there was an interaction with Mr.Raj Joshi and Dr. Priyankana of IKP/IGRF Bangalore, Dr.K.Bangarurajan and Dr.M P Venkatesh of JSSCP, Mysuru and four startups who have been called by Dr.Priyankana of IKP. The startups are in the development of Medical Device and IVD’s. During the interaction Mr.Raj Joshi given his involvement in co-ordination with some of the bigger Medical Device’s manufacturers like Medtronic and USFDA in cybersecurity aspects of the software used by them. Also informed about his 3 decades of experience in software development and working with Cybersecurity aspects of the software with other manufactures.

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