An exhaustive list of short topics from must know areas in Community Medicine which are suitable for Pecha Kucha Seminar was prepared. One topic was assigned to each student over a period of six months (atleast one session per batch per fortnight). In each session lasting for 90 minutes, five students were allotted to make their presentation in presence of the faculty mentor. Students were asked to meet their respective faculty alteast fifteen days prior to the scheduled date of their presentation and discuss the topic with them to get their inputs. Based on their inputs students would prepare their presentation and show to the mentor atleast three days prior to the date of presentation and get their additional remarks.
A session feedback form was prepared by incorporating the components of their experience towards searching the images, preparing the power point presentations, interpreting the images, presenting their topics, whether this method has helped them in self directed learning, most difficult and easiest aspect of Pecha Kucha seminars. This checklist was face validated with the help of faculty in the Department. The feedback form was given to each student at the end of their presentation and was asked to complete it and submit to the respective faculty on the same day.