On September 3, 2024, JSS Dental College and Hospital in Mysuru hosted an insightful seminar led by Dr. Kishor M, focusing on essential competencies for a successful dental practice. Aimed at first-year MDS students, this session was part of the PG orientation program and provided a comprehensive guide on critical professional skills.Dr. Kishor M’s seminar covered five core areas: professional competency, communication skills, interprofessional skills, teamwork, and collaboration. He began by emphasizing the importance of professional competency, which encompasses not only clinical expertise but also ethical practices, continuous learning, and self-assessment. Dr. Kishor highlighted that maintaining professional competency is crucial for delivering high-quality patient care and staying current with advancements in the dental field
A significant portion of the seminar was dedicated to communication skills. Dr. Kishor detailed effective strategies for clear and empathetic communication, crucial for both patient interactions and professional settings. He taught students how to communicate treatment plans clearly, actively listen to patients, and respond with empathy. These skills, he explained, are essential for building trust with patients and enhancing overall treatment outcomes. Interprofessional skills were also a key focus. Dr. Kishor emphasized the importance of collaborating with other healthcare professionals and understanding their roles in providing comprehensive patient care. He encouraged students to engage in interdisciplinary discussions and foster a collaborative approach, which can significantly improve patient outcomes and enrich the treatment process. Teamwork and collaboration were central themes throughout the seminar. Dr. Kishor provided practical advice for working effectively within a team, including the importance of respecting diverse perspectives, defining clear roles, and resolving conflicts constructively. He demonstrated how successful dental practice often relies on a well-coordinated team effort
Concluding remarksDr. Kishor concluded the seminar by stressing that these competencies are interconnected and collectively contribute to a well-rounded and effective dental practice. His session equipped the first-year MDS students with valuable insights and practical skills, setting a strong foundation for their future careers in dentistry. The students left with a clearer understanding of how to integrate these competencies into their professional lives