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JSS Medical College

Workshop on topic Mastering AMR Detection: CLSI 2024 Updates Made Simple


Department of Microbiology and Special Interest group AMR had organized a workshop on 19th and 20th July 2024 on topic Mastering AMR Detection: CLSI 2024 Updates Made Simple, for young clinical Microbiologists. We had enthusiastic participants all over India during this academic journey. We had inauguration for the workshop on July 19th Morning and the occasion was graced by the chief guest, Dr. H Basavana Gowdappa, I/C Vice Chancellor, Principal, JSS Medical College; Dr. Manjunatha B, Registrar, JSSAHER; Dr. Madhu C P, I/C, Director and Medical Superintendent, JSS Hospital; Dr Manthappa M, Vice Principal, Clinical, Dr Tejashree A, Prof and Head & Dr Sumana M N, Professor, Dept of Microbiology. We had interactive sessions on the first half of 19th morning conducted by resource persons, faculty Dept. of Microbiology and afternoon we had Hands-on clinical AMR detection methods. On July 20th morning, Quiz was conducted for postgraduates participants and it was coordinated by Dr. Vidyavathi BC and Dr. Sujatha S R, Assistant Professors, Dept of Microbiology and Three cash prizes was given for the winners. We had a guest talk from a Biomerieux resource faculty, Dr. Huda Syed Ali and followed by which we had clinical case discussion conducted by Dr.Sumana M N, Professor, Dept of Microbiology. Workshop was concluded with a valedictory function and certificate distribution was done for the participants, resource persons and volunteers.

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