As a part of the Environmental Sustenance Activity under the Family Adoption Program, Seed to Plate Initiative was inaugurated on 21.06.24 at JSS Urban Health Training Centre, Medar Block, Bamboo Bazaar. During the event, plant grow bags filled with soil and manure along with variety of seeds of green leafy vegetables (Mint, Coriander, Amaranth & Keerai) were distributed to the families adopted by the MBBS Phase 3 students (2021-22 batch). The event was attended by Dr. Sunil Kumar D, Professor & Head, Dept. of Community Medicine; Dr. Rama H V, Medical Officer, JSS UHC, Bamboo Bazaar; Dr. Amoghashree, JSS UHC Co-ordinator; Dr. Mythily M R & Dr. Kavya G Upadhya, FAP 2021-22 Batch Co-ordinators; Medico-Social Workers and Post Graduates, Department of Community Medicine.