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School of Life Sciences - Mysuru

TB Awareness through NSS 2024


Tuberculosis (TB) is a significant public health concern globally and particularly in India. To address this issue, an awareness program was organized in Ballenahalli, Srirangapatna Taluk, Mandya District on March 28, 2023. The program aimed to educate the public and students about TB, including its transmission, treatment, and preventive measures. This report details the activities conducted and the outcomes of the program. The main objective of the program was to 1. Raise Awareness: Educate the public and students about TB. 2. Disseminate Information: Provide information on how TB is transmitted, its symptoms, treatment options, and precautions to control and prevent its spread. 3. Engage Community: Involve students and the general public in interactive sessions to enhance understanding. 4. Assess Knowledge: Evaluate the knowledge level of students before and after the awareness session using a questionnaire. Program Activities 1. Public Distribution of Pamphlets: Pamphlets containing detailed information about TB, including its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and preventive measures, were distributed to the residents of Ballenahalli. The pamphlets were designed to be easily understandable and visually appealing to effectively communicate the key messages. 2. Educational Talk: A comprehensive talk was delivered to both students and the general public. The talk covered the following key points: How TB is Contracted: Explanation of the transmission of TB bacteria through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Symptoms: Highlighting the symptoms such as persistent cough, fever, night sweats, and weight loss. Treatment: Information about the availability of effective treatment, including the importance of completing the full course of medication. Precautions: Steps to control and prevent the spread of TB, such as covering the mouth when coughing, improving ventilation in living spaces, and early diagnosis and treatment. 3. Interactive Session: An interactive question-and-answer session was conducted post the educational talk to address any queries from the attendees. This session aimed to clarify doubts and reinforce the information provided during the talk. 4. Pre and Post-Session Questionnaire: A questionnaire was prepared to assess the knowledge level of students before and after the educational session. The questionnaire included questions about the causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention of TB. The responses were analyzed to measure the effectiveness of the awareness program.

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