The Department of Public Health Dentistry hosted “SANGAMA 2024”, culmination of World Health Day (April 7) and World Oral Health Day (March 20) on April 6, 2024, in the Gowri Shankara auditorium of JSS Dental College and Hospital. Theme for World Oral Health Day 2024 is 'A HAPPY MOUTH IS A HAPPY BODY” and the theme for World Health Day 2024 is 'MY HEALTH MY RIGHT.' On this occasion Dr. Smitha.MC resource person delivered lecture concerning these themes addressing third year BDS students, interns, and faculty
The program was graced by the presence of chief guest Dr. Manjunatha.B Registrar, JSSAHER, Guest of Honor Dr. Dhakshaini.M R Principal, JSSDCH, Dr.Jaishankar H.P Vice Principal, JSSDCH and Resource person Dr. Smitha MC Associate professor, dept of Preventive and Community Medicine, JSSMC. This program was attended by staff, PG’s, III- and IV-year BDS students. This program started with the invocation song by Dr. Aishwarya Anand, Intern. The welcome address was delivered by Dr. Maurya M, Lecturer Department of public health dentistry. Chief guest Dr. Manjunatha.B addressed the gathering and informed the students to abstain from consuming street food and junk food. Guest of honor Dr. Dhakshaini M R spoke about awareness in oral health and general health and appreciated the department for conducting various thoughtful events. In the view these health days the department conducted several events based on the theme which included painting, making props, creating reels and quiz competitions. All the students showed great enthusiasm and enormous effect to show case the talents and participated in the events. The report of health day activities was delivered by Dr. Karthikaa Postgraduate student department of public health dentistry. The prize distributions for the winners were done by the dignitaries. Dr.Sushma. R, lecturer department of public health dentistry proposed the vote of thanks