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JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty

Two Days Workshop on Augmented & Virtual Reality of Pharmaceuticals


The Department of Pharmaceutics at JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty, organized a two-day workshop on Augmented & Virtual Reality of Pharmaceuticals. The event aimed to provide postgraduate students (M.Pharm) and PhD scholars with valuable insights into the applications of augmented and virtual reality in the pharmaceutical industry. The workshop took place on August 3rd and 4th, 2023, at the esteemed venue of Dipiros&Pasteurs Hall.

Day 1: August 3, 2023 The workshop commenced with an opening address by Dr. K. Gowthamarajan, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutics, who emphasized the importance of embracing technological advancements to enhance pharmaceutical research and development. Following the introduction, Dr. Shailesh T, the esteemed resource person and a lecturer from the Department of Pharmaceutics, JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru, took the stage.Dr. Shailesh T began by providing an overview of augmented and virtual reality technologies and their potential applications in the pharmaceutical domain. He delved into the principles of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) and explored how these technologies can revolutionize drug discovery, formulation, manufacturing, and training processes.Dr. Shailesh T shared real-world case studies to illustrate the successful integration of these technologies in research and development, highlighting their benefits in reducing costs, improving accuracy, and accelerating drug development timelines.

Day 2: August 4, 2023 The second day of the workshop was dedicated to hands-on sessions and practical demonstrations. Dr. Shailesh T along with his PG students from JSSCPM guided the participants through various AR and VR tools used in pharmaceutical settings. Attendees had the opportunity to interact with cutting-edge software and devices, experiencing the virtual simulations of pharmaceutical processes and experimenting with AR-enhanced drug prototypes.The practical exercises sparked lively discussions among the participants, who actively exchanged ideas and explored potential applications of AR and VR in their own research projects. Dr. Shailesh T provided personalized feedback and guidance, fostering a conducive learning environment for all.

Conclusion: The Value-Added Program cum Two Days Workshop on Augmented & Virtual Reality of Pharmaceuticals was a resounding success. The event provided an in-depth understanding of the possibilities that AR and VR offer to the pharmaceutical industry. The Department of Pharmaceutics extends its heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Shailesh T for his invaluable contributions as the resource person, sharing his expertise and experiences in AR and VR technologies and also Dr. SP Dhanabal, Principal for his support.. The organizing committee's efforts in planning and executing the workshop ensured a seamless and enriching learning experience for all attendees.

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