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JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty

Health Screening Camp


JSSCP, Ooty - The Rotaract Club jointly with Punjab National Bank, Rotary Club of Nilgiris West and IPA, NLB organized 'Health Screening Camp' at PNB premises on 15.11.2023.

For about 110 people, random blood sugar level, BP and BMI were tested. The patients who are in pre-diabetic condition were given professional counseling and they will be followed up by the office of the Director, Health Services, The Nilgiris. Education videos were screened and counselling pamphlets were issued to all.

Dr Arun KP, Vice Principal, PNB Branch Manager, Dr R Vadivelan, President, Dr Ganesh GNK, Hon. Secretary of IPA, NLB and Dr Rajamohamed, Lecturer were present in the inauguration.

Mr. Sai Ahil Palanisamy, President & Ms Pradhiksha, Chair, Community Services of the Rotaract Club have made all the arrangements under the coordination of Dr M Deepalakshmi, Asst. Professor.

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