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JSS Dental College & Hospital

Basic Recap 2023 - Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics


“Revision is just another step towards Perfection” The Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics in association with the Association of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics (ACE-K) & Indian Association of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics conducted Basic Recap for the First Year Postgraduate Students on 8th & 9th September 2023. Revision of the Basic Subjects is crucial for first-year postgraduate students as it consolidates and reinforces their understanding of complex subject matter. It helps to retain knowledge, clarify doubts, and identify areas needing further exploration thus helping them to sharpen critical thinking, enhance problem-solving skills, and ensure they are well-prepared for exams.

The Inauguration Ceremony was held in Sri Gowrishankar Auditorium on 8th September 2023. The Guests of Honour for the event were Dr. Sudeendra Bhat, Controller of Examinations who spoke about the importance of revision among students & the patterns of examination being followed by the University and Dr. Mohan Thomas, Vice President, ACE-K & Principal, Vydehi Dental College & Hospital, Bengaluru who emphasized on the importance of developing critical thinking among the students which could be possible through a thorough revision of the subjects making them competent to write their exams well. The event was graced by the Principal, Dr. Dhakshani M R who appreciated the efforts by the Department in conducting such a fruitful program. Welcome Address was delivered by the Head of the Department, Dr. Annapoorna B M & the Inaugural Ceremony concluded with the Vote of thanks delivered by the Organizing Secretary, Dr. Sunil Tejaswi K L.

The Program was attended by students belonging to various Universities across Karnataka. There were a total of 100+ Registrations for the workshop. Resource Faculty gave an elaborate insight into the topics allotted to them during the revision sessions. A Quiz competition was conducted in three phases to boost their understanding of the subjects & the Prize winners were awarded during the Valedictory Ceremony. Dr. Praveen Kulkarni, Vice Principal, JSS Medical College graced the valedictory ceremony. He appreciated the efforts put in by the Staff & Students in making this a successful event and also appreciated the valuable inputs given by all the Resource Faculty during the revision sessions.

The Closing Remark was given by Dr. Ashwini T S, Professor, who thanked all the students for taking active part in the Basic Recap Program. Feedback from students who attended the workshop was overwhelmingly positive. They appreciated the focused approach, targeted revision materials, and the opportunity to clarify doubts with experienced faculty. The Basic Recap Program 2023 was a resounding success, achieving it’s objective & equipping the participants with valuable inputs for writing their basic sciences university examinations well. We at JSSDC&H thank our Resource Faculty from JSS Medical College, JSS Dental College & External Resource Faculty for their valuable contribution towards the successful fruition of the Program.

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