The National Integration Camp, under the National Service Scheme of the government of India, was hosted by the Government of Karnataka at the University of Mysore. Universities from all over India had students representing their universities at this camp. On behalf of JSS Medical College, Sai Keerthana and Tavishi Sai attended the camp, from first-year MBBS (2022-23) students. National Integration, as the name implies, means to bring the people of the country together; particularly the youth of India. The main goal of this camp was to understand the beauty of the diversity of cultures in India while bringing everyone together as Indians. The camp was for a duration of seven days from February 3rd, 2023 - February 9th, 2023. Every day was saturated with activities to do starting from flag hoisting at 6 AM followed by fitness classes such as self- defense training, Zumba, and Cross Fit. During the day there were special lectures given by erudite scholars on the topics of personality development by Sri R.A. Chethanram, secularism by Prof. Nataraj Huliyar, Youth and Swami Vivekananda by Srimanth Swami Veershananda Saraswathi Maharaj, on mal-nutrition by Dr. Vijayakumar and many others. These lectures given on various topics were specially tailored to the youth to provide them with ideas on leadership, integration, and patriotism. The ultimate goal is to appreciate how the diverse cultures in India ultimately make us stronger as a nation. After a day of academia and thought-provoking discussions, the evenings were filled with cultural events and programs put up by each university. There were even competitions hosted each day of the week including categories such as solo singing, group singing, solo dance, and group dance. Sai Keerthana and Tavishi Sai took part in all the competitions representing JSS University. Sai keerthana did renditions of SANSKRIT songs and Tavishi Sai did classical KUCHIPUDI dance; Sai keerthana also anchored events throughout the week, along with giving speeches intermittently. Keeping in mind that the theme of the camp is integration, each university displayed culture from its own state including folk, classical, and patriotic forms of dances, songs, and art. This was a truly enriching experience as there was so much to learn not only from each state but each region of every state. This can make one appreciate the beauty and heritage of India. On the final night, there was a ceremony called the shibirajyoti, where there was a rangoli of the map of India done in the center of the room. All students were made to sit around it and place lamps around the map of India while singing patriotic songs in their own language. Despite the difference in languages, the unity of everyone as Indians were palpable in the air. On the final day, the certificates were given with a vote of thanks to the organizers and participants. At the end of the camp, there was much awareness and knowledge gained about the various cultures of India. Despite the vast differences, we are united as one under the flag of India and are proud to call ourselves Indians. After all hardships, we successfully completed the seven days camp. We would like to thank the JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mysuru for encouraging and supporting our participation. We also would like to convey our sincere thanks to our vice principal Dr. Suma madam and Dr. M.V. Ravishankar NSS officer for their support in all circumstances throughout the camp.