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JSS Medical College

Guest lecture on Understanding and Supporting people affected with Huntingtons Disease


A Special Program on Understanding & Supporting people affected with Huntington’s Disease Was organised by Dept of Psychiatry, JSSMC& Hospital, JSSAHER On 22 July Saturday 2023 . Welcome Was by Dr.Meghana H . Introduction was given by Dr.M.Kishor, Prof & Head, Dept of Psychiatry, JSSMC & Hospital, Resource Persons were :Ms.Archana Ravada , Huntington Warrior, Huntington's Society of India & Technology Analyst at Infosys, Hyderabad.

Dr.Deepa Bhat, Professor of Anatomy, Genetic Counselor JSS Hospital. Dr.Nemichandra S.C., Associate Professor, Dept of Neurology JSSMC. Vote of Thanks was by Dr.Pradeepkumar P C,, MSW MPhil PhD Asst Prof of PSW Dept of Psychiatry, JSSMC, Mysore. Efforts of team from JSS Hospital was greatly appreciated by Huntington’s Disease Society of India lead Ms Archana Ravada.

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