On 7th April 2021, in view of World Health Day, Department of Public Health Dentistry, JSS Dental college and Hospital, Mysuru conducted COVID Vaccine awareness programme at Suttur rural village in Karnataka under the guidence of Dr Chandrashekar BR, Head Of The Department, vice principal. The programme was headed by DR.Thippeswamy HM and DR Sunitha S along with postgraduate student and house surgeons.
On arrival, the team were warmly welcomed by
the Village head. Dr.Thippeswamy, Reader, Department of Public Health Dentistry, informed the village head about the awareness programme to be conducted to which he responded in a positive way. The team was divided in three batches each consisting of three members. The main agenda was to spread awareness about the benefits of COVID vaccine. Pamphlets about the same were distributed among the villagers.
To spread the awareness to all the people, all the groups went to individual houses of village. Team members distributed the pamphlets and explained to the people, the importance and benefits of understanding vaccination during this pandemic . People were informed about importance of wearing mask and maintaining social distancing despite immunization.
House surgeons enthusiastically participated in the programme and communicated messages about awareness on immunization to the villagers effectively and efficiently. The families greeted and cooperated very well with interns. The awareness programme in the village culminated with a group photo session involving village people while maintaining social distancing.
The feedback about programme was a good.