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JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysore

Fundamental Elements of Research


Dr. Milind Parle, Professor of Pharmacology, HISAR, delivered an excellent eye opening lecture on the “Fundamental elements of Education & Research”. He inspired and motivated the audience with the basics of research methodology parallely with the basic keys of a good life. He urged, the students to be good human beings besides being good professionals and the teachers, not only to be good academicians but also an overall guide in all aspects for their students. He then went on to define research as “A planned journey from a known area to unknown” the most important of which is defining a problem. He also discussed the major purpose of research as to lead a comfortable life and other major steps as well as problems faced in research. He further discussed the difference between invention and discovery and also spoke about the importance of innovation in research and defined innovation as the net consequence of inspiration and perspiration. He then went on to discuss the importance of drug discovery and the major approaches to which included interesting ones like exploiting side effects for the same quoting example of minoxidil. He then went on with the various phases of clinical trials and the difference in drug testing at each of the phase. He inspired the students with some examples of his own where he quoted that “Work is Worship and no matter what one should not leave out their passion and keep within the race.” He concluded by saying that positive attitude towards life is very important and the principal Fs of overcoming any negative situations in life are: Face it, Fight it and Finish it. The lecture also throwed light upon his expertise in neuroscience when he presented his findings of his recent patent on the behavioral study to assess developmental learning in mice through chess board.

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