School of Public health in association with the Department of Gastroenterology and SIG on Liver and Life from JSS MC, JSS AHER conducted an awareness programme on the occasion of World Hepatitis Day on the 28th of July 2023 The event was conducted at JSS College of Arts, Science and Commerce. The Master of Public health students organized competitions such Quiz competition and Poster making competitions for the PU students. The inaugural ceremony was graced by Dr. Major Aradhya H.V, who addressed the crowd regarding the importance of observing World Hepatitis Day, as the honourable Chief guest along with respected principals of PU and degree colleges, Professor S Somashekar and Professor Vijendra Kumar. Mr Sambashivaiah Chief Executive, JSS College of Arts, Science and Commerce attended the event. Dr. Anil S Bilimale, Chief MPH Program Co-Ordinator, School of Public Health, JSS Medical College, Mysuru and Dr. Divya K.L , and Dr. Sreena T V, Assistant Professor, School of Public Health were present during the occasion. The event was concluded after the valedictory function.